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Image Interpretation Training

X-Ray Imaging Solutions offers imaging interpretation courses for both Body Scanner X-ray Systems (BSIIC) and Cabinet Security X-ray Systems (CSIIC). These courses are designed to educate and train X-ray Systems Operators in the identification of foreign bodies within persons and/or packages attempting to smuggle contraband into restricted areas and regions. Focusing on Image Acquisition, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Image Interpretation & Analysis, operators will be able to detect and identify common anatomical regions used for smuggling contraband.

Body Scanner Image Interpretation Course (BSIIC)
Available Now!
BSIIC Anchor

Traditionally, X-rays have only been permitted for use in medical imaging with a doctor’s orders or requisition. Recent advances in security over the last few years has resulted in new technology and consequently, new challenges to overcome. For the first time in decades, individuals outside of the medical profession can now expose individuals with ionizing radiation for security purposes without the permission or recommendation of a physician. Unlike the old backscatter airport security systems that could not penetrate the skin and required minimal instruction, the Full Body Scanners on today's market are transmission X-ray systems.

Transmission systems are penetrating, meaning the system allows the operator to see inside the individual to detect contraband and other foreign objects. Herein lies the issue we face in today's correctional industry; Do you understand what you are looking at?

Although similar to medical X-ray as a transmission based system, in order to be used in a safe and effective manner without the involvement of a medical imaging professional, the dose of each image had to be dramatically reduced to allow for a single subject to receive multiple images in a given year without the risk of high exposure side-effects. As a result of a reduction in exposure, image quality and detail are dramatically less than that of a medical grade X-ray. Having knowledge of anatomy and physiology is difficult to learn as it is, let alone identifying anatomical structures in a lower resolution image. Furthermore, medical X-ray technicians, or radiographers, attend school for a minimum of 2 years, plus an additional year of clinical experience before passing a national exam to become licensed... Not to mention, medical X-ray images are far easier to see! To be fair, not everything taught in a medical imaging program needs to be transferred to security imaging, but it does identify the need for specific, specialized training.

The Body Scanner Image Interpretation Course (BSIIC) developed by X-Ray Imaging Solutions was designed to educate correctional officers on contraband detection within the human body using low dose full body transmission X-ray systems. Considering the key factors involved in X-ray imaging such as object density, contrast, and grayscale along with discussing and reviewing specific anatomical regions relating to contraband smuggling, the BSIIC has been specifically tailored for the corrections industry resulting in better trained officers and a safer, more secure environment. This course is offered as a live, online instructor-led training, covering the topics listed below in a 2-hour class. An exam for proof of proficiency and a certificate of training is provided upon completion, satisfying requirements for officers using the body scanner system according to the ANSI N43:17 2009 federal standard.

Course Topics

Brief History of X-ray Technology

Imaging Technique Factors

Body Scanner Safety Review

Anatomical Review / Localization

Contraband Regions Overview

Contraband Detection Methods

Subject Scanning Procedures

Positive Contraband Examples

Course Benefits

Real World Examples

Easily Understood Material

Online Live Instructor-Led

Reduced Exposure

Standardized Training

Increased Security

Increased Safety

Reduced Costs

Cabinet Security Image Interpretation Course (CSIIC)
CSIIC Anchor

Technology is constantly improving producing new, exciting tools at our disposal to combat the challenges in today's security industry. X-ray detection has evolved from single view imaging systems, to dual view, and currently 3D CT scanners culminating decades of research into today's modern security profession. As advances in detection technology developed, so has criminal methods and ideas requiring X-ray systems operators to continually refine their skills in detecting possible weapons, narcotics, and explosive devices. It is vital that operators understand all aspects involved with contraband detection via X-ray imaging including object density, contrast, and grayscale.

Many baggage scanner systems are accompanied with software that will color code the contents based off density, allowing the operator to see general composition of internal structures. By understanding how to not only recognize threats but recognize threats and methods of smuggling as it applies to today’s current trends, security staff and operators can adequately neutralize any potential risks or exposure. An X-ray system is only as good as the people who operate it, and with proper education and training your organization can get the most out of their security imaging products.

The Cabinet Security Image Interpretation Course (CSIIC) developed by X-Ray Imaging Solutions was created with the operator in mind, providing a well-rounded training that increases operator confidence and better detection results. The course is based on 3 specific principles: Image Acquisition, Contraband Composition, and Smuggling Tactics all designed to educate security staff on efficient contraband detection. Topics of discussion will range from image filter application, explosive components and devices, to weapon identification and more. Don't take risk in today's modern security market when you don't have to! Contact us today to see how we can help increase your facility security.

Course Topics
Course Benefits

Brief History of X-ray Technology

Imaging Technique Factors

Cabinet Scanner Safety Review

Atomic Density / Tri-Color Review

Improvised Explosives Overview

Contraband Detection Methods

Scanning Procedures

Positive Contraband Examples

Real World Examples

Easily Understood Material

Online Live Instructor-Led

Peace of Mind

Standardized Training

Increased Security

Increased Safety

Reduced Costs

XRI Solutions is set on creating a safer corrections environment by producing educated, proficient detention officers that can interpret images quickly and efficiently by applying the principles taught in these interpretation courses. Whether your organization has just recently purchased a full body scanner system, or your facility currently owns a system, all operators need this training. Reduce exposure, increase safety, save costs, and meet standards by providing your with facility with not only the tools, but the knowledge required to produce effective results. Access our Training Portal or Contact us for more information on pricing for multiple users!

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